TUCSON, ARIZONA, JANUARY 6, 2016 – Hexagon Mining is today introducing a campaign to appeal to the aggregates and industrial minerals sector of the mining industry. Flexible and affordable licenses are central to the campaign, which broadens the appeal of Hexagon Mining solutions to thousands more mines.
Industrial minerals typically represent smaller mining operations for non-metallic deposits such as granite, marble, and limestone. In contrast to the economic downturn affecting much of the mining industry, construction is rebounding in many parts of the globe, buoying the industrial minerals sector.
New exploration licenses and standalone solutions will make it easier for smaller operations to access MineSight, the powerful mine planning suite for which Hexagon Mining is known worldwide.
New licenses and standalone solutions mean smaller mines can now integrate the most powerful solutions on the market into their workflow, even if they don’t own a full version of MineSight. Standalone versions allow you to import data from a non-MineSight system, calculate results, and then export that data to another system.
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