HxGN MineEnterprise Collision Avoidance System (CAS) Analytics

Monitor and control critical risk events via a web-based reporting and analytics platform that connects data sources via live dashboards, visualizing all aspects of HxGN MineProtect Collision Avoidance System (CAS).

Main benefits

Drag and drop data in your own customized dashboards

Dynamic data analysis can be customized to your mine’s unique needs. Create critical-risk events heatmaps to identify over-speeding and high-risk locations. Use the information to establish current trends and baseline comparisons to calculate % differences from week to week.

Map safety incidents to identify high risk areas

Gain unprecedented insight into a wide variety of safety scenarios and performance trends. Based on situational safety data, identify and analyze the root causes of failing operational controls. Drill down to locate vehicles operating under risk.

Create reports for multiple mining disciplines

HxGN MineEnterprise CAS Analytics comprises the capabilities needed to create reports for short-interval control, daily and monthly safety management tasks, fleet management, personal protection, fatigue monitoring and vehicle intervention.

Canadian mine signs safety deal with Hexagon

HxGN MineEnterprise platform is part of a significant safety deal signed with Canadian metallurgical coal producer, Conuma Coal Resources Limited for three mines near Tumbler Ridge in northern British Columbia.

Analytics and visualization to improve safety

See how safety analytics and powerful data visualization reveal the story behind near-miss events and incident investigation. Risk hot spots and interactive heat maps help you respond to change risky behaviors.


HxGN MineProtect: what’s your greatest asset?

Ensuring safety amid busy traffic, large equipment and poor visibility is challenging. HxGN MineProtect integrates solutions for collision avoidance, vehicle intervention, fatigue monitoring and personal protection.


Conuma Coal: Protecting what’s precious

Conuma Coal invested in a safety package to protect employees and equipment. It integrates systems for collision avoidance, fatigue monitoring and a web-based reporting and analytics enterprise platform.


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