HxGN MineEnterprise Blast Control

An integrated web-based platform that combines drill and blast design with operational feedback from equipment and tablet-based applications. Assembles drill and blast designs with actuals, providing a single source of truth.

Main benefits

Unlock information and empower group decision-making

Easy interaction using a web browser means you can publish detailed properties for each drill pattern and hole from HxGN MinePlan Blast, aiding group awareness and decision-making, as well as improving the process for reporting D&B design and progress to management.

Visualise the design and actual drill and blast progress

3D spatial plan visualization (digital twin). Communicate surface, geology, and D&B information in 2D and 3D. Identify physical constraints and set color-styling for hole types, hole status, types of explosives. Visual cues allow you to visualize execution of the drill plan.

Integrate and create awareness of drill and blast safety

Create situational awareness around safety in the D&B process by confirming that your equipment is outside of the exclusion zone ahead of the blast. Clearly visualize the high-risk zone and see the exclusion zone along with the 3D terrain and drill pattern design, all in the web browser.

Learn more about HxGN MinePlan Blast

A comprehensive software utility for drill and blast and reconciliation, MinePlan Blast incorporates charge and blast design templates that are based on sound engineering principles and methods proven worldwide.

Be alerted to unstable slopes and no-go zones

See how miners and equipment are protected from injury-threatening events by being forewarned of no-go-zones by HxGN MineProtect Collision Avoidance System – now integrated with IDS GeoRadar.


Analytics and visualization to improve safety

See how safety analytics and powerful data visualization reveal the story behind near-miss events and incident investigation. Risk hot spots and interactive heat maps help you respond to change risky behaviors.


Conuma Coal: Protecting what’s precious

Conuma Coal invested in a safety package to protect employees and equipment. It integrates systems for collision avoidance, fatigue monitoring and a web-based reporting and analytics enterprise platform.


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