Backing into a loading position is a perennial challenge for truck operators. “Spotting” right the first time saves time, money, and keeps everything running smoothly. Getting it wrong means the shovel operator must ask the truck operator to re-position, which takes valuable time – time that every other truck must wait. The direct cost of inaccurate reversing operations can be as high as $5,000 per shovel, per day.
HxGN MineOperate Reverse Assist calculates the optimum reversing path for a truck to follow when backing into a shovel pit to be loaded, or when backing to a hopper to unload. By providing a truck operator with the precise position of the truck in relation to the shovel, the operator can position themselves in the loading location quicker.
Calculating a path and providing a truck operator with guidance along that path, helps to eliminate machine damage caused by hard cornering and inadvertent contact with the shovel and/or related infrastructure, not to mention associated injuries. Re-positioning events can be minimized or eliminated. Operators are safer and more productive.
Low-precision GNSS receivers change to a high-precision mode, which allows for centimeter accuracy. When transmission is shifted to reverse, path is planned to a spot location, avoiding mapped objects.
HxGN MineOperate Reverse Assist calculates the optimal steering angle, prompting the operator to adjust the steering angle to this value through light bars attached to mirrors and via audible prompt. Truck position and orientation compare to calculated path as operator reverses.
The operator receives prompts if corrections are necessary. For example, the distance to stopping point is indicated via audible prompts; a continuous audible prompt is issued when the spot is reached.
Arthur Queiroz demonstrates HxGN MineOperate Reverse Assist, which calculates the optimum reversing path for a truck to follow when backing into a shovel pit to be loaded, or when backing to a hopper to unload.
In the Peruvian Andes, Grupo Mexico and Southern Peru Copper Corporation, are applying Hexagon’s fleet management and mine planning solutions at Cuajone and Toquepala mines, with outstanding results.
Read our blog to learn how dispatchers from Adaro’s PT Saptaindra Sejati used HxGN MineOperate to reduce the number of haul trucks per fleet while increasing productivity and reducing loader hangtime.
Watch our video for an overview of how MineOperate’s integrated solutions can help you drive efficiencies, reduce waste and increase productivity throughout your mine.