HxGN MineProtect Operator Alertness System

An integrated fatigue and distraction management solution, HxGN MineProtect Operator Alertness System helps operators of heavy and light vehicles to maintain the level of attention necessary for long hours and monotonous tasks.

Main benefits

State-of-the-art fatigue and distraction edge computing

In response to distraction, drowsiness and microsleeps, computer vision AI provides real-time notifications to operators inside the cab of haul trucks, auxiliary and medium-sized mobile equipment, as well as in light vehicles, buses and semi-trucks. This empowers them to act.

Remote monitoring centers independently review each alert

Remote monitoring centers provide an independent review of each alert before notifying the mine via email or text of any critical events for immediate action. This helps build a data-driven safety picture of your operators and the entire fleet.

Easy to install and quick to configure

The in-cab device is easy to install and works in both light and dark conditions, and with masks, prescription glasses and/or lenses. The OAS-LV device communicates and integrates seamlessly with the OAS Analytics server, enabling full heavy- and light-vehicle fleet monitoring.

12 ways to improve mine safety

Safety’s too important for partial solutions. Learn how we’re connecting autonomous ecosystems to address risks, minimize nuisance alarms and get everyone home safely with HxGN MineProtect.

Distraction detection explained

Vehicle operators often find themselves driven to distraction. MineProtect Portfolio Manager, Marcos Bayuelo demonstrates how our non-intrusive operator fatigue and distraction detection unit works for light vehicles.


Award-winning technology

Soon after being launched, OAS won Mining Magazine’s Safety award for “outstanding commitment to advancing the state of play in mining”. Read the magazine’s winner profile to learn more about OAS.

Detecting distraction even through a mask

OAS allows operators to wear face masks while still being monitored for signs of fatigue and distraction, a particularly useful feature during COVID-19 when mines are mandating drivers to wear face masks.

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