HxGN MinePlan Quarry Pro

A complete mine planning software package for quarries with additional drill and blast capabilities and improved database management.

Main benefits


Tailored for quarries with added drill and blast tools

Tools within HxGN MinePlan Quarry Pro are designed to solve mining engineering and geology problems. The integrated Pro package combines geology, engineering, production, and scheduling software with additional drill and blast capabilities and improved database management.

Easy-to-use solution that delivers results you can trust

Strategic blending, scheduling, and geologic interpretation can help improve production and reconciliation. (Forecast is easier to reconcile with actual data.) A faster, streamlined workflow means reduced training time, improved safety and lower production costs.

Proven history with software developed for all mine types

Software development began in 1970 before becoming the industry’s number-one integrated, non-scripted solution. It’s easy to understand, support and troubleshoot and is backed by a multi-lingual, global support staff comprising geologists and engineers.

HxGN MinePlan 3D

HxGN MinePlan 3D is the foundational software for visualization, design, modeling, and reserves calculation in our general mine planning portfolio.

50 more years of intelligent mining

Learn about new MinePlan developments in short-interval control, strategic scheduling, and drill and blast. Watch the webinar produced in association with Mining Magazine.


Dump planning optimization at a UNESCO site

In New Caledonia, MinePlan is being used to manage waste responsibly and help preserve a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Read the story featured in Mining Engineering magazine.

MinePlan as the interoperability bridge

Learn how to evaluate planning workflows and the value they add to mining operations from the perspective of MinePlan. Watch the webinar.


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