HxGN MineEnterprise Operator Alertness System (OAS) Analytics

Visualize fatigue and distraction events using the analytics and reporting tool connecting HxGN MineEnterprise Operator Alertness System’s (OAS) on-board camera with Hexagon’s web interface.

Main benefits

Customize your reporting tools

Event data analysis can be customized providing insight and metrics into your mine’s levels of fatigue and distraction. Create data points that allow for measurable metrics related to the reduction of incidents and fatigue-related events.

Insight from heat map and event locations

HxGN MineEnterprise OAS Analytics maps provide a configurable display of fatigue and distraction events and their locations. Visualizing locations provides valuable insight into areas of increased risk of fatigue and distraction events.

CAS event forward-facing camera visualization

HxGN MineEnterprise OAS Analytics allows for visualization of CAS events via the forward-facing camera when OAS and CAS are both installed. These videos add context and provide a platform for continuous improvement.

12 ways to improve mine safety

Safety’s too important for partial solutions. Learn how we’re connecting autonomous ecosystems to address risks, minimize nuisance alarms and get everyone home safely with HxGN MineProtect.

Analytics and visualization to improve safety

See how safety analytics and powerful data visualization reveal the story behind near-miss events and incident investigation. Risk hot spots and interactive heat maps help you respond to change risky behaviors.


Award-winning technology

Soon after being launched, OAS won Mining Magazine’s Safety award for “outstanding commitment to advancing the state of play in mining”. Read the magazine’s winner profile to learn more about OAS.

Conuma Coal: Protecting what’s precious

Conuma Coal invested in a safety package to protect employees and equipment. It integrates systems for collision avoidance, fatigue monitoring and a web-based reporting and analytics enterprise platform.


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